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Stress and Job

Its been a tough day at work, you come home to more things you need to do. You can feel the stress level going up. What do you do? For many the decision is to get lost in a favorite TV show, or to take the edge off with a glass of wine. But experts tell us the best choice is to do something healthy, something physical. Many say there are benefits to be had from simply stretching your muscles and letting your body relax naturally. Others say a 30 minute walk or run can make all the difference. Even going out and doing some physical yard work can pay off in the area of tension release.

Why does physical activity make a difference. For some it is just the change of focus, the getting your mind off of the issues at work or home. Having to focus on balance as you run, or feeling your body stretch, means you are allowing your mind to let go of the days stressors, and focus on something different. But again, the experts tell us it has more to do with the release of endorphins in the body, the relax us and make us feel better. The release of endorphins also aides the body in its ability to sleep better at night. So before you open another bag of chips, plop down on the couch with the remote, or pour a drink, think about making a better choice. A choice to live healthy is part of the battle that I must fight everyday, because I find unhealthy is easier and comes with less hassle. But unhealthy also means more problems over the long haul. Chose to live healthy.

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