Diet Success or Failure?

I said I would report back regarding my success or failure related to my meeting and the navigation of the dieting nightmare.  As I anticipated the room was ripe with temptation.  The muffins, the Snickers Bars, Peanut Butter Cups, Pepsi, 7up.  To make it worse the bottled water that was present a month ago was completely missing, luckily I had brought in a big bottle of water with me.  Bringing a few of my own snacks was a great idea, but the meeting was so slow moving that the snacks were gone before I knew it.  I was able to avoid the candy bowls and the Muffins for breakfast.  As lunch approached I didn't know what to expect, and as we were told lunch had arrived we were greeted with boxes of Pizza.  If you know me you know Pizza is my weakness.  I looked to see if a salad was coming and sure enough there was one.  Lettuce, croutons, and cheese.  No chicken or tomatoes are anything that would be filling.  As I ate the salad I realized it would not be enough to fill me.  I decided to scrap the cheese and veggies off of a slice of pizza and leave the crust behind.  Finally the meeting ended and we were off for drinks.  I had planned on drinking a few glasses of wine, but I gave in to a few beers instead.  It was worth it.  As I headed home I thought, I made it, I navigated the maze called a work meeting.  Pulling up to the house I was hungry, and there was no quick fix in sight.  And then I saw it.  Cheese and chips, an old favorite.  And in a moment of weakness I blew it, I made a plate of Nacho's and consumed the calories I was trying to avoid.

Looking back this morning I realized I could look at yesterday a couple of ways.

  • It could have been much worse and wasn't
  • I have successfully avoided Nacho's for over a month
  • In the grand scheme of things this is the first little slip I have had since starting
  • What a loser I am for blowing it
  • How could my family have put those two items where I would see them and be tempted.

Instead I am choosing to look at yesterday as part of life.  In dieting or a healthy lifestyle there will be days when we all eat a little less than what is best for us.  The real measure of a person is what they do the day after they slip.  Do they continue on their slid or do they make the adjustment and get back to making good choices.  I am proud to say that today I was back on track and heading in the right direction.  Sundays weigh in will tell the story of who bad I slipped, but looking at the bigger picture my goal is to become as healthy as possible and this isn't just physically, but emotionally, mentally and spiritually.  So as part of the battle, I am back on track.

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