One Man's Battle
Trying to live a healthy life in an unhealthy world
Frontier Airlines took 2 Hours From Me
Ok, I'm having trouble letting go of my recent flight delay. My new job requires me to travel most weeks. For the bulk of the summer I...
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A Change in Weight Loss Approach
Over the last 10 years I have tried a number of different weight loss approaches. The Mediterranean Diet, South Beach Diet, P90X, Turbo Fir...
A Quote to Get You Going
Some times it is tough for me to get out of bed to start my day. I would rather just lay back and dream about what life could be, where I c...
End of Life
Today I find myself pondering life and death. It has a way of sneaking into your thoughts when you are sitting bed side, listening to the sl...
Six Months to Fifty - Better Health through Diet and Exercise
It is finally time. I am six months out from my 50th birthday. With my goal being to be in better shape emotionally, spiritually, relational...
“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” ― Mae West I love this quote! Here is to living life right. - Posted using Bl...
Healthy Grocery Shopping
After two years I have the routine down. Nine months without kids I am getting the quantity part down. Now I just have to get the calorie/nu...
Trust Yourself
"As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Decision making has always been hard for ...
Simplicity, Please
Simplicity, Please
Portland MS Walk 2012
This year I have joined up with friends and family to participate in the MS Walk. On April 14th, thirty of us from Avamere Rehab of King Ci...
The Story of Our Lives
I came across the video below as i was processing some issues in my life. The video is short and simple, and looks at the story that each of...
Looking for Happiness
"People spend a lifetime searching for happiness; looking for peace. They chase idle dreams, addictions, religions, even other people, ...
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Insanity Workout Day 25 - Cardio Recovery
The alarm started to ring, it was already 5:30. How could that be? I hit the snooze and somehow hoped another 10 minutes would do the trick....
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Insanity Workout Day 24 - Cardio Circuit
Still hurting after this mornings workout. Legs feel tired and so do I. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Insanity Workout Day 23 - Power Cardio
It is so nice when you see improvement from one week to the next. I am jumping higher and longer, I am pushing harder, I am smiling bigger....
Insanity Workout Day 22 - Pure Cardio/Cardio Abs
I decided to do it a bit different today. I did the Cardio this morning, and the abs tonight. I figured why not. It looks like the guys on t...
Insanity Workout Day 21 - Day Off
Day 21 and a much needed day off. My knees are sore, I've felt sluggish, and while I would have pushed another day, it's nice to no...
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