Oregon Ducks - Reducing Stress

Over the last few months I have been wrestling with ways to reduce stress.  While work with its deadlines and performance expectations can make life tough, I have found that often my stress is the result of not practicing self care.  I would describe self care as the act of doing what is needed to take care of yourself emotionally, spiritually, and physically.  It means that you must often times prioritize yourself and your personal needs over others.  As I grew up this way of thinking was though of as selfish.  However, when I prioritize the needs of others at the expense of my own needs I end up feeling frustrated, resentful, angry, used, mistreated, all feelings that cause my stress level to go up.  The secret is in taking care of yourself first, so that you can give the best of yourself to others.  It is really a simple concept, but it has been villainized as wrong, sinful, self-serving, and unloving.  Again, these labels cause me to feel stressed.  This last weekend I decided to put my needs first, and found myself heading to the Oregon Duck, Oregon State Beavers, Civil War Game.  I can't begin to tell you how much fun I had, so instead I will show you.  I shot some video of the time down there.  In the end I came home a better person and able to enjoy and give to those around me.  Hopefully you can see what I mean.

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