The alarm was ringing in the background, my head was fighting coming to a state of alertness. As I reached over I fought hitting the snooze button. How could it be 5:30 already. Still dark out, and cold inside, my bed felt so good. Jumping on the scale was discouraging, I weighed more today than 16 days ago, what was happening?
Hitting play the warm ups started, my knees ached, and the 40+ minutes of jumping and doing a variety of squats was under way. As the DVD ended, the sweat was again dripping. I was tired, but I felt good. I had again pushed my body. I was doing more than I had done a week ago. Insane I know, but I am on my way to being in the best shape I've been in for over 30 years. Maybe I'll make my own workout video someday.
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Insanity Workout Day 16 - Plyometrics
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Insanity Workout Day 15 - Fitness Test

Today was my second insanity fitness test. Time to see if all the jumping, hopping, suicide squats, lunges, and getting up early has been worth it. As the test unfolded in some areas I was awesome, increasing by 10 to 20 reps. In some of the rotations I only went up by one or two. But exciting for me I am making some big progress in only two weeks. That's big for a 49 year old. Only a few people know what I'm up two. Not really dropping any weight, but that will come.
Leave me a comment and let me know where you are at in your insanity journey.
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Insanity workout Day 14 - Rest
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Insanity Workout Day 13 - Pure Cardio/Cardio Abs

I killed it on Pure Cardio today. I started by blasting through all three sets of the warm up (a first), and then I stayed up through the rest. I wasn't at the same speed as Shaun T, and did take a few breaks, but I would say I performed at a 7 out of 10 today. It felt great. I sweat lots, and I couldn't wait for Cardio Abs.
Truth is! I probably should have waited for the abs. I could do all the standing workouts, but once we hit the floor I was out of my element. Could have been I was trying to get the form down, or could be I have no abs or real core to work from. I went from feeling great to discouraged in a minute. Might take me a few more weeks to go from 220 couch potato to 178 lean, mean, with rock abs. At least I am on my way. Must have been 2lbs of sweat on the mat today. Monday is the fit test. I am moving through it quickly.
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Insanity Workout Day 12 - Cardio Power

Day 12 is in the books. Lots of jumping and hopping and push ups. Still not able to keep up 100% of the time, but each day I'm feeling stronger, and know that I am accomplishing something bigger than a 45 minute workout. This is about life change, and moving towards one of my life goals before I turn 50 in17 months.
I have to say that i breathe heavy and sweat a lot. But, I love the feeling I have right now when the workout is over and your body goes into relax mode. If this is Insanity, I am loving being insane.
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Insanity Workout Day 11 - Recovery

Just what I needed. End of day yesterday my knees where sore again and I was a bit draggy. To only stretch and do some deep muscle work was a perfect switch from the cardio killer workouts the rest of the time. I couldn't stay with the squats or lunges the whole time, but am seeing overall progress in my fitness level. Also down 6 lbs which is really nice. If I keep that up I will be ahead of schedule for where I want to be mid summer. Making this the first thing in my day has been assuring that it gets done. Lesson learned, put first things first.
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Insanity Workout Day 10 -Cardio Circut
I woke up today thinking it was the recover cardio day. All day yesterday my knees hurt from the jumping, I felt tired, and I was wanting something that sounded easy. Easy being "Recover." foolish I know, because the recover DVD was anything but easy last week. However, when I pulled out my calendar, imagine my surprise when it said circuit instead. My initial thought was "No Way! ". So reluctantly I put it, put on my shoes and hit the play button. I was amazed as I made it all the way through the three cycles of warm ups. I may not of matched their speed, but I made it through the routines without pulling out. The rest of the work out I pushed hard to complete. When it came to the arms I could make it through the first interval ok, but after that I needed the breaks. All and all this was my best day yet. I am smiling, sweating, and looking forward to a day of challenges. No that is Insanity for me.

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Insanity Workout Day 9 - Pure Cardio

I'm not sure if it is because I am waking up earlier than normal, or if it just the normal signs of aging, but I missed a few obvious things that occur with insanity. First off, the DVDs do not rotate in order. Week #1 did, but not week #2. So not only am I working my body, I have to work my mind too. Second, just because the video says Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs, doesn't mean you've done both. You'll have to go back to the main menu and hit play again. All that to say, I may have done the wrong workout yesterday, regardless, I did something related to Cardio.
So today I didn't feel as strong, the arch in my right foot was burning during the warm up and stretching, and I felt twinges of pain in both knees during different jumping phases of the video. I needed to take breaks and did, and let myself not feel bad for not being able to keep up or. Complete each exercise. I keep telling myself that even doing one exercise is better than what I was doing two weeks ago. It just feels good to sweat. The time seems to fly by with these videos as compared with others I've done. I'm not sure why that is, but will give it some thought. Time to get ready for work.
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Insanity Workout Day 8
Start of week 2. Felt stronger and lasted longer. Muscles not as sore. I also am sweating more and able to pay closer attention to what Shaun is saying. The power jumps and globe jumps are killer. I think I hit pause after both of them the second time. Good thing they are not in the same grouping. Waiting for tomorrow.
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Insanity Workout day 6 - feeling stronger
Day 6 and back to the Cardio Circuit workout. What a difference doing a few of the workouts make. You know the routine, you know what's coming next, and your not surprised by your body yell stop!
Best part of today was I was able to push longer and a bit harder. I am now looking forward to the after glow, when my body keeps sweating and feels relaxed following the workout. Tomorrow is my first rest day, day 7. One week down 8 weeks to go. I'm liking it, sounds insane coming from me. Enjoy your day.

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Best part of today was I was able to push longer and a bit harder. I am now looking forward to the after glow, when my body keeps sweating and feels relaxed following the workout. Tomorrow is my first rest day, day 7. One week down 8 weeks to go. I'm liking it, sounds insane coming from me. Enjoy your day.
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Insanity Workout Day 5 - Pure Cardio
Day 5 is in the books, and while I still needed to take more breaks than those on the video, I feel like I was capable of doing more today, and I'm smiling after the workout rather than trying to get up off the ground. Best reward in the first week, my daughter asked if I was losing weight. She said my face looked thinner. I'll take that as a visible result. She doesn't know I'm doing Insanity. Only my wife is aware and those of you reading this. My encouragement to anyone just starting, push through the sore muscles, the discouragement of not being able to stay up, and recognize the small gains each day.
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Insanity Workout day 4 - Cardio Recovery
I'm sweating like a dog after the recovery day. What's wrong with that picture? This was a much need day of moving a little slower, and really stretching everything out. Even still I had to modify to get all the way through it. I only have 59 days left to complete the first circuit. My body is all ready starting to have more energy, and I am a lot more relaxed at work. The only thing killing me is the 5:30 wake up time. Here's to staying with it.
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Insanity Workout - Day 3
Insanity Workout Day Two
It's dark outside as my alarm wakes me up. I can feel the ache in my left hamstring from yesterday. The voice inside my head asks, "what are you doing?". I lay there a few seconds longer and I answer, "I am ensuring a fit life for myself,". With that I drag my sorry self down stairs and subject myself to 41 minutes of Plyometric Cardio. When the warm up circuit kills you it means trouble. My word for the day was modify. No way could I do it all, so I didn't. I pushed when I could, slowed the pace when I needed and rested when I had to. 15 minutes later I am still sweating and feeling that great glow. Only 61 days left. Here's to a better, stronger, fitter, me. You should try it.
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Insanity Workout Day One
I slowly came to life as my alarm started ringing at 5:30. Could it really be morning already? I jumped on the scale to check my starting weight. I was a good 16 pounds lighter than a year when I started P90X. As I laced on my shoes and put in the DVD for the fitness test I was feeling a bit nervous. As I hit play and started the warm ups I knew this would be a challenge. Switch kicks, power knees, suicide jumps, all quickly sucked the life out if me. I could not complete the cool down as I was completely spent. They say 60 days to a better me. Here is to 1 days and a few more to go. It won't be easy
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Last week I was thinking through my plan to live a healthy life. I realized I have slid back into a less than healthy lifestyle. Chips, ice cream and diet coke have replaced the fruit, veggies and water that I made apart of my life for the previous seven months.
Last year I did P90X with great results. Having tired of that work out I ordered Insanity. It arrived today. Reading through it I have to decide if I want to follow their diet or develop my own. I am dreading the initial soreness, but excited about where I might be six months from now.
Darla wants to climb Mt. Hood in a year and a half, and my goal is to beat her to the top. First up, the fitness test.
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It's You're Life
I came across a picture today that really sums up my thinking this last week. As I have been wrestling with who I am and how I want to live my life, I continue to come face to face with my need to own my own stuff. Who would have thought an ad campaign for a clothing company would speak into my life. But, I was struck. The company is Holstee click on the name to learn more. They wanted to do more than sell clothing, the wanted to promote a lifestyle.
Here is the picture. Let me know your thoughts. As always, I am trying to take time to take a Deep Look Inward.

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Here is the picture. Let me know your thoughts. As always, I am trying to take time to take a Deep Look Inward.

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Deep thoughts,
Looking into the Mirror
"The most difficult phase of life is not when no one understands you, it is when you don't understand yourself" ~Anonymous
Over the last few weeks I have been spending a bit of time in personal reflection. The problem is the more I look into the mirror, the less I like what I see. In the past if that would happen I would simply shut my eyes and move on. However, that is not working so well for me these days. So I am back to taking a deep look inward after taking a bit of time off. Only this time I am likely to go deeper and battle more, than ever before. It is starting with the simple truth that the only one truly responsible for who I am, who I've become, is me. The devil didn't make me do it, my parents didn't force me, each step that brought me to this point and time, good or bad, was a step, a choice, a decision I made. I am responsible for all the good, bad and ugly. And, from that step of taking responsibility for me, I will look into the mirror, embrace the good, change the bad, and work towards beauty. Time to go look at my reflection.
Over the last few weeks I have been spending a bit of time in personal reflection. The problem is the more I look into the mirror, the less I like what I see. In the past if that would happen I would simply shut my eyes and move on. However, that is not working so well for me these days. So I am back to taking a deep look inward after taking a bit of time off. Only this time I am likely to go deeper and battle more, than ever before. It is starting with the simple truth that the only one truly responsible for who I am, who I've become, is me. The devil didn't make me do it, my parents didn't force me, each step that brought me to this point and time, good or bad, was a step, a choice, a decision I made. I am responsible for all the good, bad and ugly. And, from that step of taking responsibility for me, I will look into the mirror, embrace the good, change the bad, and work towards beauty. Time to go look at my reflection.
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